Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday 12th July

I've been in California for just short of a week now and am pretty drunk as I write this (which to be fair is probably a good way to write it!). I went wine tasting today, which was a new experience and I don't usually like wine HOWEVER I have to say that I have now realised that the reason I didn't like wine before was probably because I've only ever tasted the naff stuff! Andie has educated me now and I realise that what I need is quality wine........haha

I've had such a fab first week and still wish that Andie only lived round the corner from me as being here reminds me of how much I miss her! But saying that, I will travel to wherever she lives - even if it was the Arctic Circle, but please don't move there Mrs Morgan cos I don't like the cold! haha.

As I write this Janice is sat in front of me playing music from 'Music & Lyrics' and seems to be enjoying herself as she is jigging away to it. I want to put some 80's stuff on but she won't have any of it. In fact, as I said to Howard "here's a good 80's tune" Janice said "No, I don't think so." We gave it up as a bad idea as she wants to listen to Moon River! lol.

I'm off for more wine now anyway so will fill more in later! :-)