Wednesday, October 29, 2008

3 stages complete

I passed my fitness test today (but not as easily as I'd hoped!). The main part of the test was a shuttle run (better known as the bleep test). Police force entry requirements only need level 5.4 or above and when I practiced it on Saturday I managed level 7 before giving up. (By the way, I'm not applying for the Police force, just the specials for a work placement as part of my course). I thought that when I did the actual test running with other candidates may spur me on to keep going but I dropped out at 6.1. It's a pass, which was the main thing, but I thought I'd manage to match what I did on Saturday at least. Oh well, hopefully if I continue with the increased treadmill regime, I'll be able to get fitter over the next few months. Apparantly I'll need it come January as we have a week long intensive training with a lot of self defence stuff which is said to be energy sapping. For tonight though, I'm having a few beers to relax as I'm a tad tired from being on a non stop regime and haven't had a beer for ages :-)
It's reading week at college so I don't have to go in tomorrow but we have group presentation to prepare for 20th November so my group are meeting up and spending the day in the library to get the bulk of it done. It's got to be the most boring topic in the world to prep and deliver a presentation on - quantitative and qualitative research and how to communicate the results - so I think we're in for a long long day zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz how dull! The sooner it's done, the better!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Where is the time going?

I haven't had much time to blog lately as I've been so busy. Trying to fit a week's worth of work into 3 days is a challenge to say the least but one I'm enjoying. I'm sure I'll soon find a system that works without having me running round like a lunatic everyday. I need to anyway as I can't even find time to do any reading for my course, which I need to get on with as I have a presentation due on the 20th November on a subject I know very little about! lol
On top of all the work and uni stuff, I'm also trying to improve my fitness levels for a fitness test I'll have coming up early November. As part of my course I have to do a work placement. A lot of my fellow students want to do drug rehabilitation work or working with recently released prisoners but I really don't fancy any of those so I've applied for the Police specials. Some of the other options if I don't get in the specials are the appropriate adult scheme (where I'd be called to attend a police station if a juvenile was arrested and they had no appropriate adult), drug intervention and community warden! I can't say I fancy any of those to be honest so I have to pass this assessment centre!