Friday, November 14, 2008

Next week is my first assessment at college - a group presentation on the most boring subject in the world! There are 3 people in my group and we've put the finishing touches to it today so it's all ready for next Thursday morning. In true Heidi style I wrote a joke into the introduction but the problem now is, we've run through the presentation a few times and the more I tell the 'joke' the less funny it seems so I don't know whether to leave it in now or take it out. I guess we'll know next week how funny it's judged to be if I leave it in and end up standing there looking silly when no one laughs!
I have a few busy weekends planned as all the assignments for the other modules are due in shortly after this one so I guess I won't be doing any partying for a while (until the college christmas masquerade ball on the 4th December on!!!).

Also this week I had a letter from the bone marrow donor register. I may be a match to someone in Germany so I have to go for a blood test on Monday for further matching. I can't say I'd be thrilled at the thought of an op under general anesthetic followed by a 3 day stay in hospital but would never pull out after being matched to someone as that's just playing around with someone's life. I'd have to get on with it. I may have to ask if they can do the procedure under a local anesthetic and let me go home the same On the other hand, I suppose I'd have 3 days to get my college work done as I'm sure hospital is a boring place to be!