Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back in the UK

I promised myself when I set this blog up that I would write in it on a regular basis and so far, haven't managed to achieve that! Always something else to do......
I've been back in the UK for a week now and seem to be over whatever illness I brought home with me. I put it down to incredibly late nights and too much alcohol and I think it just caught up with me. My body clock doesn't seem to have completely adjusted back to UK time but it will soon, I'm sure. I'm just lucky that I have a flexible job and can work the hours I want to - but maybe if I hadn't I'd have had to force myself back in to a regular sleep
Tonight I'm going on my 3rd date with Chris, who seems like a really nice guy. We went to the cinema on Friday to see Dark Knight, which was fabulous, then on to a restaurant for a meal. Poor Chris wanted to see an early showing of the film as he was working early on Saturday morning and although we did see an early showing (630) by the time we got a table at the restaurant afterwards it was past 10pm so we ended up having quite a late night. I apologised for keeping him out so late and he said some things are worth sacrificing :-) So sweet!


John, Claire, John and Sam said...

Woo Hoo, shall I start shopping for a hat heidi..........

Claire x

Heidimac said...
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