Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to college

After spending far too long wanting to study something but not really knowing what, it looks like I've found the course for me! My local college is offering a foundation degree in Criminology, which is a subject that fascinates me so I called down yesterday to pick up an application form. I've been given a taster assignment to do and have a few weeks to do it in so all being well, as long as I don't mess it up, I should be starting the course at the end of September :-) The only thing I thought could cause a problem to me applying for it was the times of the classes. They're being run on Tues afternoons and Weds evenings. The Weds slot was no problem as that's after work but the Tues one is from 1pm. I spoke to Jo, my Manager, about it yesterday and she told me she's absolutely fine with me doing it as she know's I'll plan my work round it. It's also been recommended that I join the Specials with the North Yorks Police as I'll need first hand experience for the course so I've booked a place on their open evening at the back end of September to have a look at it and decide whether it's something I want to do.
Chris came over last night for a chilled evening of watching DVD's and drinking lots of wine. I couldn't be tempted away from the beer too long so he ended up having nearly 2 bottles of it to We had a really nice evening of eating takeaway food and drinking too much. He also gave me some tips for my assignment (which I made sure I got before he had downed too much) - but for some reason, I couldn't tempt him to write it for me.........haha. I'll see him next on Sunday, my birthday, as we're over in Hull for a BBQ Janice is having. She'll finally get to vet him and report back to Andie :-D

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