Thursday, August 28, 2008

brain overload!

Well my assignment is supposed to be in tomorrow (which I foolishly agreed to when I could have handed it in anytime before Weds next week..........WHY did I do that? lol). I don't know why I said 'supposed' to be in because it will be but I've read so much information for it my little brain can't work out in what order to put it down on paper and everytime I begin to write a new paragraph it sounds like gobbledegook or I think it doesn't flow too well! I think had it have been an assignment as part of the course I probably wouldn't have been tying myself up in knots over it but as I suspect it's going to be used to see whether I can actually do the course, it makes me second guess everything I write, wondering if I'm on the right lines, as I really want to do this course. I've cancelled all my visits for tomorrow so at least I can just concentrate on getting this done and have time (hopefully) to make sure I'm happy with it. I'm taking a 30 min break from it at the mo and intend to do about another hour before I go to bed but as it's 00:30 right now, I should put it down soon otherwise I won't get up early enough tomorrow to get it finished.
Oh well, maybe I should stop stressing about it and just get the damn thing written?! lol

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